Sunday, March 29, 2020

Naughty Tutor Technique

Naughty Tutor TechniqueAn Naughty Tutor is a word used to describe the naughty and smart way of communicating with your child. There are two kinds of ways you can communicate with your child - the naughty way and the smart way.Naughty tutoring is one which happens naturally. You are talking to your child, giving him instructions, you explain some things, you give him a chance to ask you questions and you get your reply. Sometimes when your child doesn't understand what you are talking about, you are trying to make him understand by telling him that he will understand better after he has watched what you are talking about. You explain the object, the reasons why he is supposed to do it, and the consequences if he does not do it. If he asks a question, you try to answer him in a calm and rational way.Naughty tutoring has a downside, as well. It doesn't allow your child to communicate with you. After your explanation, if he asks you a question, you answer him as he asks you and don't tr y to make him understand. This means that instead of doing it from his point of view, you are just explaining the rules to him. What is worse, it makes him not think about what you are talking about and less likely to ask questions, even when you give him instructions.Naughty tutoring, however, isn't always bad. Your child will understand you if you use this technique. You should be able to give him instructions and understand what he is asking. You must also give him a chance to ask you questions and you must respond him calmly without interrupting him.When you use this technique with your child, you need to be more calm. You don't want to say 'you did it wrong' when you tell him that something was not done right or your child asked a question. It doesn't work that way, you don't want to tell your child that he did something wrong.The reason is that your child is learning to listen to you and to understand what you are telling him. And that's the main point. You are the one who is being verbal with your child, so if you lose your calm, your child will lose his. It's best to try to explain things, but still keep your cool.Most parents don't know how to deal with a child that keeps asking for explanations. They usually give a directive like 'tell him not to do it'. That works, but after that, they are asking their child questions again. When they find out that your child doesn't understand what you are talking about, they come up with another directive and it gets more intense.If you find yourself having a lot of problems telling your child to do something wrong, there is another technique that you can use. You can play with your child and tell him that it was your idea, or that you put him together with it. When your child finds out that you are being playful with him, he will be a lot more patient and he will understand what you are talking about.

Friday, March 6, 2020

5 things to focus on when looking at the University of California

5 things to focus on when looking at the University of California 5 things to focus on when looking at the University of California Many students will apply to one or more of the schools that make up the University of California. When applying to college, there are a lot of things students should consider before making their final decisions about which schools to apply to. They may be interested in conducting research and going on to graduate school, they may want to work with certain professors, or they may be looking for a well-rounded education before deciding on a major. There are several things applicants should consider while researching potential campuses our Los Angeles college admissions consultants are here to help you apply to college. 1. Size and location Its important for applicants to think about the size and location of the different universities within the UC system. Is the size of the campus manageable? Is the location close enough to or far enough away from home? Are there job opportunities in the area? Students will be spending a good portion of their day for the next four years on campus, so its important they feel comfortable navigating their surroundings as well as living and working in the local area. 2. Fields of study Most UC campuses offer a broad range of major fields of study. However, some universities are known for specializing in one thing or another, so students should consider what they are thinking about majoring in before narrowing down potential choices. Students should also consider how easy it is to change their major if they start to have different ideas once they arrive on campus. Some students know what they want to study before stepping foot on campus and will need to take several different classes in their first two years before settling on a decision. 3. Career options Applicants should also consider potential career choices once they complete their education. Of course, students can move to a different city to look for jobs, but its often easier to gain an entry-level position in their local area. Students may have made connections through internships, classmates, or a part-time job they had over the summer. A graduates individual needs will be based mainly on their chosen career field thus students might find more or less success in different cities throughout California (READ: Tips From a Los Angeles College Admissions Consultant: How to Prep for College Applications). 4. Research opportunities The University of California as a whole is known for its research opportunities. Whether a student wants to focus on undergraduate research and apply for jobs immediately after graduation or wants to apply to a graduate program, the University of California can be a great option. Students are encouraged to look into the individual research opportunities that each campus offers. If students want to work with a specific group of professors, they should take extra special care to make sure that research opportunities are available with that specific person or department. 5. Extracurricular options Its also important for applicants to look into what extracurricular activities are available to them. Some campuses are really big on clubs and organizations while others are known more as commuter schools where students simply attend class and participate in a few social activities. A students interests will greatly determine which campus will be the best fit for them. From improving your GPA to standardized testing, our private Los Angeles college admissions consultants are here to help improve your college admissions competitiveness. Call us today to learn more. All blog entries, with the exception of guest bloggers, are written by Tutor Nerds. Are you an education professional? If so, email us at for guest blogging and collaborations. We want to make this the best free education resource in SoCal, so feel free to suggest what you would like to see us write.

Children Excercise - Tutor Hunt Blog

Children Excercise Children Excercise Children ExcercisePrimary schoolsSurvey Shows Four out of five primary school children do not get recommended amount of exercise Public Health England, an executive agency of the Department of Health, has just published a report stating that less than a fifth of children are getting the recommended about of exercise by the time they leave primary school. Eustace de Sousa, Deputy Director in the team for Children, Young people and Families put the findings starkly: `Children`s physical activity levels in England are alarmingly low, and the drop in activity from the ages of five to twelve is concerning.` Being moderately active for at least 60 minutes a day is what the department recommend, but their findings suggests that most children are not achieving this. They have found that between the ages of five and seven, along with the eleven to twelve age group, there has been a 39% drop in children meeting this 60 minute unit. Only 28% of children aged between five and seven meet the target, but this drops to only 17% for the eleven to twelve age group. Public Health England has published these figures to coincide with a new Change4Life campaign, undertaken with Disney and Sport England. This campaign, supported by the NHS, aims to ensure all children meet their their 60 minutes a day of moderate activity. Ample research shows how important it is for children to have regular and sustained exercise. The NHS listen a number of reasons for children to exercise every day: Attention levels and focus are improved, facilitating learning at school Improves balance and hand eye coordination Social skills and general behaviour are improved, along with self confidence Develops the psyche, strengthening muscles and bones Improves sleep Helps maintain a healthy weight Improves health and fitness Enhances the mood, making them feel happier Children certainly seem to have boundless energy - my own experience has taught me that looking after a 6 year old child for only a few hours is more fatiguing than going to the gym! Only a few decades ago it was perfectly normal for parents to let their children run freely around the neighbourhood. I used to galavant around the local woods and parks with my friends for hours most evenings and weekends - when it was time for dinner my parents would ring a bell, summoning me back home. These days we are all too aware of the dangers that can befall our children, and as such we are more likely to curtail their excursions. Parents may restrict their children`s escapades to the home, or garden, if they are fortunate enough to own one. The Public Health England survey provided some interesting results as to why the level of activity in children has dropped. 29% of 11 years olds expressed a worry that they are not good enough at sports. Physical activities and games are of course naturally competitive, but maybe some children are not being given the encouragement to believe they can improve. According to the survey the primary motivation for children to be more active is having friends participating in the game - with 53% citing this as a reason for getting more exercise. 43% said having more activities to choose from would motivate them to have more daily exercise. The advent of portable touchscreen devices - phones and tablets - modern gadgets that many adults have to become acclimatized to, but which children seem to use with a natural fluency, may also be culpable in the increasingly sedentary lives many children are leading. Why run around playing energetic games with your friends, if you can enjoy online activities through the glass touchscreen while slouching on the couch? 2 years ago0Add a Comment

Thursday, March 5, 2020

How to Choose a Chemistry Tutor

How to Choose a Chemistry TutorFinding a qualified organic chemistry tutor to help you with your studies is not a difficult task. The selection process varies with each individual student, so you need to make sure that you find one that you feel comfortable with. A chemistry tutor should be someone who enjoys teaching, has good manners and does not show their fear when the need arises. However, there are other factors which will determine the chemistry tutor to help you.Choosing an organic chemistry tutor from the comfort of your home is very easy. In fact, many students have made the mistake of seeking personal tutors from the comfort of their own homes as this is the most convenient way of learning. Some of the things that you should look for in a tutor include:A chemistry tutor should be well aware of the textbook used by their students. To help you out, you can ask them about the book, some guidelines on how to read the book or ways of putting the book to use. A tutor should also be able to give tips on how to choose a chemistry subject or how to select topics for study. Of course, they should be knowledgeable on the type of tutor books available.If you are looking for organic chemistry tutor, it is important that you know what you expect from the teacher. Some professors like to hear stories and most of them will oblige you if you pay for it. It is crucial that you know the expectations of the professor because it will help you in learning more than you would have done otherwise.There are those who will take the money from you and that is something you should be wary of. You should look for a teacher who is honest and reliable. It is also important that the chemistry tutor should provide you with answers to your questions whether they are academic or of personal interest.There are many online tutors who will charge you for their service. These tutors may be efficient, but you cannot expect perfection from them. Therefore, you should seek a tutor that provi des quality service without requiring a fee. You can make use of the World Wide Web to search for a tutor and you can even discuss your requirements with them.Make sure that you can trust the online tutor and that they are able to provide the correct answers for your queries. A well qualified chemistry tutor can ensure that you graduate from your undergraduate chemistry course.

Find Mass in Chemistry - Learn How to Find Mass

Find Mass in Chemistry - Learn How to Find MassAre you a chemical or a physics buff? Would you like to find out how to find the mass in chemistry? Then you have come to the right place. I will teach you some useful hints about the mass that will help you understand this process more clearly.Chemistry, the study of the things we can do with nature, can be very complicated. It is more important than ever to learn all that there is to know about these things so that you are able to use them for the best of your own benefit. The concepts that will help you get started are just as important as the actual class itself.The most important thing to understand about how to find the mass in chemistry is that there is no single mass in the universe. Every atom is the same size and has the same mass. However, their energy levels vary. And here is where the tricky part begins.Just as there are no single atoms in the universe, there are no single energy levels. If you take a look at the various ene rgy levels that atoms inhabit you will see that they all have different properties.For example, carbon is a nuclear element which means that it absorbs the entire energy from the surrounding radiation. Now, try and picture how much energy that can get rid of. When carbon atom absorbs this amount of energy, it does so in a matter of nanoseconds. Not even light can escape from this atom in that amount of time.The next atomic level to look at is the one that has just one atom and no molecular bonds. Now, you can think of a molecule as an apple. All it has is electrons that need to have an electron in a specific place so that it can store up energy, but once it has the electron in the right place it will begin to take charge of its surroundings.So now that you know the basics of how to find the mass in chemistry, it is time to learn about the elements that make up the different elements that make up our planet. Once you have learned how to read the periodic table, you can then move on t o learn about the properties of each element. When you have all the knowledge that you need, you will be in a position to determine exactly what your goal is. You will be able to apply what you have learned to help you achieve a life where you are not only happy, but rich.

What is it Like to Attend University of Notre Dame

What is it Like to Attend University of Notre Dame The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Sean graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2007 with a Bachelors degree in Classics. He is a Chicago tutor who specializes in many levels of Latin tutoring, AP English tutoring, and Literature Composition tutoring. Check out his review of his alma mater: VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Sean: Notre Dame is pretty self-contained. Its a very walkable (and beautiful) campus, although having a bike is helpful. You can get by without a car if you live on campus, but its helpful having some wheels if you live off campus as a senior. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Sean: The faculty at ND are very personable and approachable. The university is a relatively small, tight-knit community. My professors seemed to genuinely care about my well-being, not only academically, but in a general sense as well. Many times for smaller classes, professors would invite the class over to their house for dinner toward the end of the semester, which was a great way to get to know them outside the classroom setting. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Sean: Dorm life is central to the Notre Dame experience, and quite unique; all the dorms are single-sex. This is another aspect that helps contribute to the close, family atmosphere at the school. I am still very close friends with three of the people I met on the day I moved into in my dorm I have stood up in each of their weddings. Every dorm has its own history, personality, and even mascot. Mine was a kangaroo, and every spring we hosted chariot races on the quad. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Sean: Notre Dame focuses on undergraduate studies and is strong in many areas. I studied Latin, in the college of Liberal Arts. I was very happy with the support I received, especially from the faculty in my department, who helped me figure out my post-graduation career options. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Sean: There is no Greek life at Notre Dame, but since the dorms are single-sex, each one is like its own fraternity or sorority. One thing everyone has in common is a love for Fighting Irish football. The pep rallies, tailgating, and games each fall weekend are great ways for students to connect and share great memories. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Sean: Since I majored in Latin, there werent too many companies coming to recruit me so I cant speak too much to that! I will say again that the Classics department helped me in discerning that I wanted to go to graduate school for Latin. They guided me through the selection process, helping me earn a full tuition scholarship for grad school. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, the student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Sean: Everything you need is at hand somewhere on campus. Whether its more crowded, social areas to work at like the Huddle (Student Center), or the peace and quiet of the upper floors of the Library, theres a place for you. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Sean: At any given time, there is so much taking place on campus that you dont really need to go into South Bend for much, which is okay because it is a small town and doesnt have much going for it. Chicago is a 90-minute drive or a two-hour train ride away, which was great to get away for a weekend sometimes. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Sean: There are about 8,000 undergraduates at ND. My biggest, intro-level Philosophy class maybe had 150 students. Most of my language classes in the Classics department had less than 15 people. This was nice because you really got to know professors and received lots of individual attention. This was also tough sometimes because you received lots of individual attention you had to be on your game every day in class so you wouldnt be unprepared or embarrassed. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Sean: One class I will never forget was a class about Warfare in Antiquity. We learned about people like Alexander the Great, Hannibal, and Julius Caesar, along with incredibly detailed techniques of ancient battle formations. One day, our professor told the class that our assignment was to make a shield and spear out of cardboard, and to meet at the practice football field the next day for practice. When we got there, a ROTC commander showed us how to march in formation, split us into two groups, and we re-created an ancient Greek battle. It was definitely a unique experience, something I dont think I would have had anywhere else. Check out Seans tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Preparing for Guitar Lessons

Preparing for Guitar Lessons What to Do Before You Get Guitar Lessons ChaptersChoosing Between a Folk Guitar and a Classical GuitarHow to Hold a GuitarHow to Clean a GuitarLearning the Notes on a Guitar Neck“The time I burned my guitar it was like a sacrifice. You sacrifice the things you love. I love my guitar.” - Jimi HendrixYou might feel like you’re at a crossroads when it comes to starting to play the guitar. You need to choose your guitar (acoustic guitar, folk guitar, electro-acoustic guitar, or electric guitar), learn how to hold, play, and maintain it.In 2019, David Gilmour of Pink Floyd auctioned off 126 guitars and raised £16.5 million for charity. His black Stratocaster sold for £3m.Initially valued at £75,000, the instrument bought in May 1970 became the world’s most expensive musical instrument and surpassed the Stradivarius Hammer from 1707 which sold for £2.7m in 2006.  The stars’ guitars are worth their weight in gold.Are you just learning to play a few chords?Here’s what you need to know about playing the guitar! Peter Guitar Teacher £12/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors EdgarGuitar Teacher 5.00 (8) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PaulGuitar Teacher 5.00 (12) £18/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors DanielGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToddGuitar Teacher 4.75 (4) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SamueleGuitar Teacher 5.00 (5) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors KurtGuitar Teacher 5.00 (3) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RyanGuitar Teacher £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsChoosing Between a Folk Guitar and a Classical GuitarTo get started, you’ll need to pick the type of guitar you'll play.Which type of guitar will you play? What’s the difference between a folk guitar and a classical guitar? There are several differences between folk and classical guitars. (Source: Couleur)The answer depends on the type of music that you’ll want to play with it.You can recognise classical guitars from their strings; they’re made of nylon. The three highest-pitched strings are made of nylon while the three lowest strings are made of nylon wrapped in metal. There’s also a difference in terms of the sound box’s size: a classical guitar's soundbox is bigger than that of folk and electro-acoustic guitars.Classical guitars, also known as Spanish guitars, have the strings farther apart, meaning your fingers won’t be as close together when playing. Classical guitars are great for playing classical guitar music and flamenco, for example.On the other hand, a folk guitar is more imposing than a flamenco guitar.  While the soundbox is smaller, it’s bigger overall and has six metallic strings. While this might hurt your fingers at first, you’ll very quickly gain callouses. A folk guitar has 14 frets on the neck and 7 on the body itself whereas there are only 12 on a classical guitar.The different strings will also make a very different sound. These strings are better for playing rock, pop, blues, or jazz music. Of course, there’s also some subjectivity at play here and you’ll need to decide what you like.It’s recommended that you start with a classical guitar as the sound is initially more pleasing and you’ll be able to learn about fingering, strumming, and arpeggios.Nevertheless, the sound of a folk guitar is more percussive; opt for this if you want to play barre chords or sing along with popular styles of contemporary music (blues, pop, rock).How to Hold a GuitarAfter you’ve picked up your guitar, you’ll have to learn how to hold it. One of the first things you should learn is how to hold a guitar. (Source: Pezibear)How can you hold your guitar and play some chords, melodies, or arpeggios?  Classical position, relaxed, sitting, standing, how do you hold a guitar?The first thing you need to know about playing your acoustic or electric guitar is that you need to be relaxed. Playing in the classical position will quickly make you sore if you’re not doing it right.Finding the right position means stabilising your guitar and having it in the right position for both your right and left hands.As a general rule, beginners will learn sitting down.  There are a few benefits to sitting down:You don’t have to support the guitar’s weight as much.You can focus on your dexterity more.You can play chords without stretching as much.Here’s how you should sit down to play the guitar at home when you’re having a private guitar lesson.Sitting DownYou need to learn more than just how to play. You also need to learn how to pl ay properly.There are two main seated positions for guitarists:Classical positionRelaxed positionIn the “classical” position, a right-handed guitar is positioned between the player's legs with the guitar resting on their left leg. The guitar is played with the neck pointing upwards and the guitarist’s back straight.In the relaxed position, the guitar is placed on the right leg with the neck about 45 ° towards the ceiling. This is the position that most novices adopt when learning their first chords.Guitarists using the classical position will rest their left foot on a small stool or footrest in order to slightly elevate it above the other leg. This position frees up notes on the neck, making them easier to access.In the relaxed position, you may want to consider raising your right leg slightly. This will make the neck slightly more accessible but it will make the guitar slightly less stable.Standing PositionMost guitarists performing live will play the guitar whilst standing.  Sometimes they’ll play with just a strap supporting their guitar.That said, there are three main positions for where you wear your guitar:The high position with the guitar above your hips.The intermediate position with the guitar by your hips.The low position with the guitar below your hips.The intermediate position is the most common amongst musicians as it allows you to strum comfortably with a plectrum.  The low position isn’t very natural and the weight of the guitar is free to swing around.How to Clean a GuitarIt’s not enough knowing how to play scales, read tablature, learn music theory, and play whatever song you want... Your fancy soaps won't be any good for cleaning a guitar. (Source: Free-Photos)You also need to keep your guitar in good condition to keep it sounding good.  You can maintain your guitar on a daily basis, change the strings once a month, polish the body, protect the mechanisms, clean the bridge and the nut, etc.  This will ensure that your guitar lasts longer and plays better.It’s a good idea to clean the guitar with a soft cloth before playing.  Store your guitar in a dry place out of sunlight and away from humidity. Humidity and heat can be disastrous for the wood.A quick dusting off with a cloth will keep your guitar in good condition.Cleaning it can get rid of sweat and acid. The latter can cause metal strings to rust.So what do you need to clean your guitar?Here are a few things you can pick up:A cloth.Rubbing alcohol (if your guitar is varnished).Linseed oil to make unfinished wood shine.A tuner for new strings.Wire cutters for cutting new strings.A string winder.A pin remove r for acoustic guitars.Loosen the strings one by one to clean the neck and fretboard.Clean all the nooks and crannies from the fretboard, head, bridge, and machine heads.Then clean the body.After putting the strings back on, the sound should have improved.Learning the Notes on a Guitar NeckPlenty of guitarists haven’t learnt the notes off by heart. Learning what note each fret is will drastically improve your playing. (Source: Free-Photos)Some don’t even know how to read tabs. However, that doesn’t stop them from becoming virtuosos.  Nevertheless, you should know your way around the fretboard as it’ll help you with your playing.Knowing your way around the fretboard will help with improvisation, too, without having to look at chord dictionaries when learning new songs.You need to learn about intervals between notes.  Each fret is a semitone apart which includes sharps and flats as well as naturals.First, learn the notes on the deepest string’s first three frets. We know that the open string is tuned to E which makes the following three frets F, F#, and G.  The third fret is G, the fifth is A, the seventh is B, and the twelfth is E. Thus, you can transpose this to other strings.Here’s a general rule to help you:There are no semitones between E and F and B and C.All the other notes have a semitone between them.Scales are a great way to learn your way around a guitar’s neck.Would you like to learn even more?If you'd like to learn more about how to play the guitar, there are plenty of useful resources online. You can find tablature sites to show you how to play certain songs as well as video tutorials on sites like YouTube. However, if you prefer to be taught how to play, you should consider getting in touch with one of the many talented and experienced guitar tutors on Superprof.There are three types of guitar tutorial available: face-to-face, online, and group. Each of these come with their pros and cons and it's really up to you to choose which one works best with your learning style and your budget.